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Catherine BOTT - David ROBLOU...

  • Ref. BA6411
  • OISEAU LYRE, 1993. Enregistrement 1990.

L'AIR DE FOLIE DE LA RESTAURATION ANGLAISE (fin du XVII°s.)* Henry PURCELL: Bess of Bedlam (Playford: Choice Ayres and Songs) * John ECCLES: Must then a faithful lover go? * John WELDON: Reason, what art thou? * John ECCLES: Oh! Take him gently the pile * ANONYME: Mad Maudlin * H.PURCELL: From rosy bow'rs * John ECCLES: Let all be gay * John ECCLES: Restless in thought * John ECCLES: I burn, my brain consumes to ashes * Godfrey FINGER: While I with wounding grief * H. PURCELL; I'll saul upon the dog-star * Daniel PURCELL: Morpheus, thou gentle god * John ECCLES: Love's but the frailty of the mind * ANON.: Tom of Bedlam * H. PURCELL: Let the dreadful engines of eternal will * John ECCLES: Cease of Cupid to complain * H. PURCELL: Not all my torments * John BLOW: Lysander I pursue in vain.



  • Henry PURCELL : From Rosie bowers, Z 578.3
  • Henry PURCELL : I'll sail upon the dog-star, Z 571
  • Henry PURCELL : Let the dreadful engines, Z 578.1
  • Henry PURCELL : Not all my torments can your pity move, Z 400
  • Henry PURCELL : Bess of Bedlam, song pour voix et petit ensemble