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  • Ref. KI1016
  • AUDIO SELECT, 1997. Enregistrement 1994.

"Famed for his notorious and highly controversial song 'Cop killer' and for his many appearances on television defending free speech, his record company, and ultimately himself, Ice T first appeared on the scene as the leader of 'Gangsta Rap' in the mid-1980's. Since then, all of his albums have gone gold, he has received a Grammy for the Best Rap Artist, and he was voted Best Male Rapper in the 1992 Rolling Stone reader's poll. Established in music culture, he also went on to star in movies, and now the outspoken rapper has written his first book, on topics such as: The ghetto, Riots, Getting ahead, Rap and Life." Read by Ice T. No music.


  • 1 Preface. Who gives a fuck
  • 2 The jungle creed
  • 3 The killing fields
  • 4 Crime and punishment
  • 5 Men, women, and sex. A pimp's guide to sex, rap, and God
  • 6 Rap: The art of shit talkin'
  • 7 Religion: One percent nation
  • 8 Racism. Ya shoulda killed me last year
  • 9 Riots and revolution
  • 10 The controversy
  • 11 The future * No fear