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  • Ref. MY9241
  • KINK GONG, 2006.

"The HMONGs are a predominant ethnic group in southern China, northern Laos and Vietnam, they all come from Guizhou province in China where they are called Miao, the ones who left China in the 19 th century have defined slightly different cultural identities since, but the mouthorgan remains their distinctive main instrument, the hunga singing technique is specific to Vietnamese hmong and basically all instruments, like the jew s harp or the khen tend to reproduce this singing. Recorded south of Sapa in rainy season, you can definitely hear the rain and streams of water in the background." (notes de la pochette)

Chants, guimbarde, flûte, feuille d'arbre, khène à 6 tuyaux.



  • 1 Hunga songs by Ma (1-3)
  • 2 Chungja, jew's harp (4-5)
  • 3 Flute (6-9)
  • 4 Leaf from a tree (10-11)
  • 5 Khen, a 6 bamboo tubes mouth organ(12-16)
  • 6 Hunga song by May