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  • Ref. XW518B
  • UNIVERSAL/ISLAND RECORDS COMP., 1969. Enregistrement 1968.

"In 1968 White Noise released the groundbreaking album An Electric Storm on Island Records. The album was created using a variety of tape manipulation techniques, and is notable for its early use of the first British synthesizer, the EMS Synthi VCS3. Amongst many oddities, the first track on the album Love Without Sound employed speeded up tape edits of Vorhaus playing the double bass to create violin and cello sounds. 'I use voices a lot too, but not as conventional vocals. I always use a lot of voices, and if somebody having an orgasm in the background is used as part of one of the waveforms, it makes the sound more interesting, without the listener actually knowing what they're hearing.' Interview with David Vorhaus Although not initially commercially successful for Island, it has over the years proved to be a cult classic, going on to sell hundreds of thousands of copies worldwide, namechecked by such contemporary.

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  • 1 Love without sound
  • 2 My game of loving
  • 3 Here come the fleas
  • 4 Firebird
  • 5 Your hidden dreams
  • 6 The visitations
  • 7 black mass: an electric storm in hell