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  • Ref. XD294F
  • KLANG GALERIE, 2012. Enregistrement 2009-2011.

French Avantgarde group Deficit Des Annees Anterieures or better known as DDAA should need no introduction. Active since the 1970s, the group have developed a very unique style and form. Think of Jacques Berrocal, Catalogue, or Ghedalia Tazartes and you get the picture. In the past, the band have collaborated with German band HNAS (best known for their weird humouristic avantgarde approach) and Free Jazz Group Palo Alto, both with stunning result. The album "Ronsard" was an update on the compositions of a medieval French composer. Repetitive, rhythmic, abstract, jazzy, noisy, melodic or simply weird - welcome to the strange world of DDAA.

Écouter les extraits


  • 1 Whole plasma love
  • 2 Plasmatic sea
  • 3 Plasmatic storm
  • 4 Plasmatic circle
  • 5 Plasmatic fields
  • 6 Never river in space
  • 7 Hand lever at full speed
  • 8 The worm is there