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  • Ref. XC524K

"It's been a monumental year for John Clyde-Evans. He recently returned from a year living in the Punjab region of India, and after a slew of releases under his Sikh name of Tirath Singh Nirmala, he's back to the good ol' JCE. That's not all that's changed, though. His latest opus, "apetal thunderfall," spins off into a new web of cacaphony, leaving behind the pastoral anthems of yesteryear and taking aim at a more abrasive ways to leave behind the rust. "apetal thunderfall" was recorded entirely during JCE's stay in Jalandhar in 2007 using found software and audio sources. The resulting recordings feel almost primitive. Evans uses his uncanny ability to blend and mix multitudes of tones into sprawling thickets of sound. It is hard to call this music drone, but at the same time there is a continous flow to these three pieces that works in a similar way. Over the course of 43 minutes, this music etches itself into your skull, drilling itself in deep without drawing blood. Divided into three tracks, "apetal thunderfall" is more a singular entity than a collection of works. This album is cathartic, both musically and as a vehicle for JCE himself."



  • 1 Motherless child
  • 2 Struck down
  • 3 50,000 unstoppable watts
  • 4 Abraham Lincoln
  • 5 Minotaur
  • 6 The amazing Kreskin
  • 7 Witchdoctor
  • 8 Let a poor man be
  • 9 Freakonomics
  • 10 Algo ha cambiado
  • 11 Sleestak lightning