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Simon Fisher TURNER

  • Ref. XT906R
  • MUTE RECORDS, 2013.

Original score for the BFI National Archives restoration of THE EPIC OF EVEREST (directed by Captain John Noel, 1924), the official film record of Mallory and Irvines ill-fated 1924 Everest expedition. Working on the project for over a year, Simon Fisher Turner 'went about gathering the musicians in the same way I cast extras for Jarmans films.' Brass plays a big part in the overall soundtrack ('the album was almost jazz', he admits) and the score features Cosey Fanni Tutti (Throbbing Gristle, Carter Tutti Void) on cornet ('she sounds fantastically Tibetan', says Fisher Turner) and Gyratory Systems frontman Andrew Blick on trumpet. To complement the brass, he enlisted labelmate James Brooks (Land Observations), drummer Asaf Sirkis (Asaf Sirkis Trip / Gilad Atzmon) and the pioneering cellist and composer Peter Gregson, currently the Artist in Residence at the School of Design Informatics of Edinburgh University, as well as the Thapa family, a Nepalese family he found through the Embassy in London.(


  • 1 Chomolunga
  • 2 Makalu
  • 3 Cho oyi
  • 4 Dhaulagiri
  • 5 Manaslu
  • 6 Nanga parbat
  • 7 Gasherbrum
  • 8 Broad peak
  • 9 Ama dablam
  • 10 Shishapangma
  • 11 Gyachung kang
  • 12 Rakaposhi