- Ref. HP1243
- G&G MUSIC, 1994.
- 1 Amsterdam medley
- 2 Beguin the beguin (Cole Porter)
- 3 Moody blue (M.James)
- 4 Lullaby of birdland (G.Shearing)
- 5 Indian love call (Hammerstein/Harbach)
- 6 Louis Davids medley (L.Davids)
- 7 12th Street rag (Bowman/Williams/Rasaf)
- 8 Judas (T.Kalash)
- 9 Kingston Town (Patrick K.R.)
- 10 Kermiswals (P.Bex/J.Hoes)
- 11 Grease medley
- 12 Estrelita (M.Ponce)
- 13 Strangers in paradise (A.Borodin)
- 14 Jealousy tango (J.Gade)
- 15 Perfidia (Dominiques)
- 16 Anemae (Core/Solve de Esposito)
- 17 Mexico (Tepper/Bennet)
- 18 In the beginning to see (D.Ellington)
- 19 Lissabon Antigua (Porthilo)
- 20 Toon Hermans medley (T.Hermans)
- 21 Choo-choo samba (B.P.Godinko)
- 22 El Relicario (J.Padilla)
- 23 Amore de mis amore (Enrigue/Dizeo/Cabral)
- 24 My fair lady medley
- 25 Amapola (Lacalle)
- 26 Voetbalmars (E.Frei)