- Ref. HN2102
Suite des plages: 890. Turmalin: Easy Pop. 900. Lava: Heavy Suspense. 910. Sand: easy Melody
- Bernhard HERING : Auteur de la musique
- Martin WESTER : Auteur de la musique
- 1 Pyrit a: Brass Break
- 2 Pyrit b: Brass Break
- 3 Pyrit c: Funky Brass
- 4 Pyrit d: Funky Brass
- 5 Marmor short: Brass Break
- 6 Marmor a: Heavy Groove
- 7 Marmor b: Heavy Drums
- 8 Marmor c: Groove Melody
- 9 Graphit a: Soft Intro, Jazz-Groove
- 10 Graphit b: Small Version
- 11 Graphit c: Heavy Intro + End
- 12 Graphit d: Soft Intro, "contemporary" Style
- 13 Graphit e: Swing Style
- 14 Topas short: Brass Break
- 15 Topas: Heavy Brass Power
- 16 Topas slow: Heavy Brass Power
- 17 Jaspis Aa: Funky, Intro-Style
- 18 Jaspis B: Disco-Style
- 19 Jaspis Ab: Orchestral, Motion
- 20 Zircon a: Fast Rock, Techno
- 21 Zircon b: Fast Rock, with Melody
- 22 Zircon c: Fast Rock, extended
- 23 Granat A: Fanfare
- 24 Granat B: Soft, E-Piano
- 25 Granat C: Break
- 26 Granat D: Soft, with Melody
- 27 Granat E: Fanfare
- 28 Granat F: Soft Rhythm, with Melody
- 29 Juwel a: Space-Rhythm
- 30 Juwel b: Space-Rhythm
- 31 Quarz a: Friendly Melody
- 32 Quarz b: Friendly Melody, with Intro
- 33 Quarz c: Friendly Melody, extended
- 34 Bernstein short: Brass Break
- 35 Bernstein: Funky Melody
- 36 Granit a: Heavy Brass Break
- 37 Granit b: Space-Intro
- 38 Bleiglanz a: Floating Guitar
- 39 Bleiglanz b: Floating Guitar
- 40 Saphir a: Soft Intro, Funky Changes
- 41 Saphir b: without Bass and Drums
- 42 Aquamarin a: Classical Pop
- 43 Aquamarin b: Small Version
- 44 Spinell a: Funky, Fast, Staccato-Brass
- 45 Spinell b: extended
- 46 Achat a: Brass-Melody
- 47 Achat b: Brass-Melody, Staccato-Groove
- 48 Kristall A: Fast Beat, Slow Melody
- 49 Kristall B: Easy Listening
- 50 Jade A: Easy Funk
- 51 Jade B: Easy, Groove-Guitar
- 52 Kreide a: Percussion-Groove
- 53 Kreide b: Space-Sounds
- 54 Mondstein a: Heavy Toms
- 55 Mondstein b: Heavy Toms
- 56 Mondstein c: Heavy Toms
- 57 Kiesel A: Friendly, Funny, Children
- 58 Kiesel B: Friendly, Funny, Children, Reggae-Style
- 59 Kiesel C: Friendly Melody, Children
- 60 Kiesel D: Friendly Strings
- 61 Kiesel E: Friendly, Funny, Children
- 62 Kiesel F short: Funny Break
- 63 Kiesel F: Funny, Slapstick
- 64 Kiesel G: Slapstick, Cirkus
- 65 Kiesel H: Friendly, Children-Song
- 66 Rubin a: Funk-Brass with Melody
- 67 Rubin b: Funk-Brass with Melody
- 68 Lapislazuli a: Classical Melody
- 69 Lapislazuli b: Classical Melody, rhythm
- 70 Asche a: Soft Suspense
- 71 Asche b: Soft Suspense, extended
- 72 Diorit: Rock-Groove
- 73 Diorit slow: Rock-Groove
- 74 Bergkristall A: Soft, Dreamy
- 75 Bergkristall Ba: Soft Guitars, Space
- 76 Bergkristall Bb: Soft Space, Harmony
- 77 Malachit a: Slow Funk
- 78 Malachit b: Slow Funk + Brass
- 79 Diamant: Space-Intro, Funk-Bass
- 80 Basalt: Heavy, Power, Brass
- 81 Opal: Fast, Easy, Brass
- 82 Gabbro: Soft, Guitar, Space
- 83 Turkis: Easy Funk
- 84 Amethyst: Easy Listening, Samba-Style
- 85 Tigerauge: Funk, Staccato-Brass section
- 86 Smaragd: easy Listening, soft
- 87 Dolomit: Rap-Style
- 88 Kies: Easy, Pop-Style