- Ref. HI0028
- DEWOLFE, 1993.
- 1 Tractor starts up, tockover and switch off
- 2 Tractor starts up and pulls away slowly distance
- 3 Tractor slow approach and stop, switch off
- 4 Tractor with hig revs, tickover and slow away
- 5 tractor with high revs, slow approach and stop, switch off
- 6 Tractor starts up in the distance,approach and pass
- 7 Tractor door open and close, exterior
- 8 Tractor door open and close, interior
- 9 Tractor horn without engine running, interior
- 10 Tractor horn with engine running, interior
- 11 Tractor starts up, engine running to constant and switch off
- 12 Tractor starts up engine and pullsaway to constant and stop
- 13 Tractor cutting hedge
- 14 Combine harvester, approach and passs
- 15 Combine harvester, approach and pass with grain pouring from vehicle
- 16 Tractor pulls up and tickover, combine harvester, approach and stop
- 17 Combine harvester constant
- 18 Wheat pouring from combine harvester into trick, close up, truck pulls away
- 19 General atmosphere at livestock auction, Sheep in pens
- 20 Sheep at livestock auction. Auctioneer
- 21 Livestock auction. Auction of sheep
- 22 General atmosphere at cattle auction. Cows and calves
- 23 Cattle being auctioned
- 24 General atmosphere at poultry withauctioneer
- 25 Pigs in pen * Goats in background
- 26 Cows being milked * Feed dropping down shoots
- 27 Cows being milked
- 28 Milk in bulk tank
- 29 Empty milk churn placed on floor
- 30 Milk churn lid on and off
- 31 Empty milk churn picked up and placed down by handle
- 32 Sliding an empty milk churn on floor
- 33 Quiet atmosphere with cow and calf
- 34 Cows and bulls
- 35 Cows
- 36 Sheep in field
- 37 Lambs
- 38 Pigs in sty. interior
- 39 Pigs and piglets in sty. interior
- 40 Goats feeding time in enclosure
- 41 Goats
- 42 Geese
- 43 Turkeys with feather movement
- 44 Turkey
- 45 200 chickens, interior
- 46 Hens
- 47 Hen
- 48 Cocks crowing
- 49 Guinea fowl
- 50 Guinea fowl with wing flaps
- 51 2 ducks quacking
- 52 Ducks in pond
- 53 Ducks pond, farmyard atmosphere inbackground
- 54 Farmyard atmosphere
- 55 Donkey
- 56 Shetland ponies
- 57 Horse neigh and horse snort
- 58 Horse neigh, distant
- 59 Large dog barlink
- 60 Small dog barking
- 61 Cat meow
- 62 Man whistles as he wlaks up and past on gravel
- 63 Person walks up and past on braken, x 2
- 64 Shed door open and close with bolt
- 65 Old wooden gate open and close
- 66 large wooden sliding barn door open and close
- 67 Digging earth
- 68 Raking ground
- 69 Bucket lowered into well, filled with water and up
- 70 Metal bucket picked up and placed on floor, x 3
- 71 Chain saw
- 72 Squeaky tap being turned on and off
- 73 Brushing floor with broom