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  • Ref. HI0231

Suite des plages: 900. I'm not going to wear it. 910. I did do my homework. 920. I love you Mommy - I love you Daddy. 930. Mom, I don't feel good. 940. Mommy, I can't sleep. 950. MISCELLANEOUS: Kid walla - arguing and yelling. 960. Young kids arguing. 970. Nursery school. 980. Crying baby. 990. Happy baby


  • 1 GROUP VOICES: Yes! - Yes (long)
  • 2 Yay! - Yeah
  • 3 Oooh, yeah! (woman)
  • 4 Yes, sir! (men)
  • 5 Yes! (group)
  • 6 No! - No (longer)
  • 7 No! (woman) - No (men)
  • 8 No, sir! (men)
  • 9 Boo! - Boo (longer)
  • 10 Who? Who?
  • 11 What? What!
  • 12 When!
  • 13 Where? Where!
  • 14 Why? Why!
  • 15 That's us!
  • 16 That's right!
  • 17 Sure!
  • 18 Now!, Never!, Huh?, Phew!
  • 19 We're America!
  • 20 Aaaah (women) - Aaaah (men)
  • 21 Awwww (w/laughing)
  • 22 Yeuch! (long) - Yeuch1 (short)
  • 23 Oooh (horror)
  • 24 Spontaneous laughter
  • 25 Harder laughter
  • 26 Tittering laughter (women)
  • 27 Women laughing
  • 28 Men laughing
  • 29 Group laughing , applause
  • 30 Clapping, w/shouts & whistles
  • 31 Group laugh, applause, cheers
  • 32 Polite clapping (small group)
  • 33 More excited clapping (small group)
  • 34 Right on!, with clapping
  • 35 Clapping, cheers & whoops
  • 36 Cheering, clapping, whoops
  • 37 Group of women talking
  • 38 Business discussion (mostly men)
  • 39 Small party conversation (w/dishes)
  • 40 Cocktail party (with music)
  • 41 Cocktail party (no music)
  • 42 Reception or bar sound (w/band)
  • 43 Murmuring crowd
  • 44 Whispering crowd
  • 45 Quiet group discussion
  • 46 Boo, get 'em out! A
  • 47 Boo, get 'em out! B
  • 48 Sick bay (group)
  • 49 Cat calls
  • 50 ABC's
  • 51 OCCASIONS: Surprise! - Surprise! w/clapping
  • 52 Goodbye!
  • 53 Merry Christmas!
  • 54 Happy New Year!
  • 55 Happy New Year! w/cheering
  • 56 Same, w/Auld Lang Syne
  • 57 Mazel Tov!
  • 58 Happy Birthday!
  • 59 CONTESTS: Cheering crowd, whoops, claps
  • 60 Pick me, pick me!
  • 61 Take the money, take the curtain
  • 62 Higher! - Lower!
  • 63 Oh no!
  • 64 A MAN & A WOMAN: Oooh! (Woman) - Ooh! (man)
  • 65 Aaaah (woman) - Aaaah (man)
  • 66 Woman laughing
  • 67 Man laughing
  • 68 Woman giggling
  • 69 Woman crying & sniffling
  • 70 Long kiss
  • 71 Woman sneezing
  • 72 Man sneezing
  • 73 Old man laughing
  • 74 Sinister man laughing
  • 75 Telephone conversation (woman)
  • 76 Woman being attacked
  • 77 YOUNG CHILD: I love you Momma / I love you Daddy / I love you Mom / Ilove you Dad
  • 78 Goodnight Momma - Goodnight Daddy
  • 79 I don't feel good / Glass of water/ I can't sleep
  • 80 Read me a story / OK (whiney) / Mommy, do i have to?
  • 81 Are we almost there? / Are we almost there Daddy?
  • 82 Please, Daddy? / Please Mommy? / Please? Please? Please?
  • 83 Mommy, Idon't like this!
  • 84 Laughter
  • 85 Alphabet song
  • 86 Twinkle twinkle
  • 87 OLDER CHILD: Mom...Mom...Mommy
  • 88 I don't have anything to wear
  • 89 I hate this!
  • 90 Rire spontané (24) #
  • 91 Rire plus dur (25) #
  • 92 Gloussement (femme) (26) #
  • 93 Femme riant (27) #
  • 94 Homme riant (28) #
  • 95 Groupe riant,applaudissements(29) #
  • 96 Clappements, cris et sifflements (30) #
  • 97 Rire de groupe, applaudissements, acclamations (31) #
  • 98 Clappements polis (petit groupe) (32) #
  • 99 Clappements plus excités (petit groupe) (33) #
  • 100 Right on! avec clappements (34) #
  • 101 Clappements, acclamations et cris de joie (35) #
  • 102 Acclametions, clappements, cris dejoie (36) #
  • 103 Groupe de femme parlant (37) #
  • 104 Discussion d'affaire (surtout des hommes (38) #
  • 105 Petite conversation (39) #
  • 106 Cocktail (avec musique) (40) #
  • 107 Cocktail (sans musique) (41) #
  • 108 Réception ou son de bar (groupe) (42) #
  • 109 Foule murmurant (43) #
  • 110 Foule chuchotant (44) #
  • 111 Discussion calme d'un groupe (45) #
  • 112 Infirmerie (48) #
  • 113 Appels de chats (49) #
  • 114 Foule acclamant, cris de joie, applaudissements (59) #
  • 115 Femme riant (66) #
  • 116 Homme riant (67) #
  • 117 Femme pouffant de rire (68) #
  • 118 Femme pleurant et reniflant (69) #
  • 119 Long baiser (70) #
  • 120 Femme éternuant (71) #
  • 121 Homme éternuant (72) #
  • 122 Vieil homme riant (73) #
  • 123 Homme sinistre riant (74) #
  • 124 Conversation au téléphone (femme) (75) #
  • 125 Femme se faisant attaquer (76) #
  • 126 Rire (84) #
  • 127 Chanson de l'alphabet (85) #
  • 128 Dispute et hurlement d'enfant(95) #
  • 129 Jeunes enfants se disputant (96) #
  • 130 Garderie d'école (97) #
  • 131 Bébé pleurant (98) #
  • 132 Bébé heureux (99) #