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  • Ref. HI0033
  • GATEWAY, 1992.

Suite des plages: 87. Bullfrog. 88. Bullfrog & insects & brook background. 89. Single bee. 90. Mosquito. 91. Electric hoist. 92. Bombers in flight. 93. Jet bombers. 94. Tire pump, garage type. 95. Windshield wipers. 96. Power saw. 97. Key-cutting machine. 98. Metal lathe. 99. Small motor


  • 1 Bulll finishing machine
  • 2 Bulldozer
  • 3 Piledriver
  • 4 Construction site
  • 5 Telephone busy signal
  • 6 Telephone rings 7 times, receiver is picked up
  • 7 Telephone (Theme built around ringand busy signal)
  • 8 Telephone pickup and hang up
  • 9 Telephone pickup, dial ring at other end, hang up
  • 10 Touch tone dialing
  • 11 Party crowd
  • 12 Open bottle, pour into glass
  • 13 Champagne cork pops
  • 14 St Bernard berking- Puppy- Doggrowling
  • 15 Cat- Kitten- Purring
  • 16 Lion
  • 17 Stagecoach
  • 18 Stagecoach with horse whinning
  • 19 Indians attack (from left)- stagecoach (center)
  • 20 Galloping horses
  • 21 Rodeo
  • 22 Cattle drive
  • 23 Indian war whoops
  • 24 Indians attach (from left)- on fort (center)- cavalry arrives (from right)
  • 25 Western gun fight
  • 26 Shoveling coal
  • 27 Rowing boat
  • 28 Noisy children's party
  • 29 Lakeside, bathers, rowboat, motor boat
  • 30 Men talking, small group
  • 31 Busy restaurant
  • 32 Men cheering
  • 33 Babble of voices mixed
  • 34 Angry crowd
  • 35 Babbling, men's voices
  • 36 Ship's anchor up
  • 37 Anchor up, winch perspective
  • 38 Boat underway
  • 39 Applause large audience
  • 40 Applause, short bursts orchester, faint presence
  • 41 Convention crowd
  • 42 Football crowd
  • 43 Cheering crowd, short bursts
  • 44 Laughing audience
  • 45 Motor start and run
  • 46 Factory bkg. heavy equipment
  • 47 Small machine shop
  • 48 Cement mixer
  • 49 Synthesized clock (Announces hours,
  • 50 Clock ticking
  • 51 Alarm on electric clock
  • 52 Alarm on spring would clock
  • 53 Heavy city traffic
  • 54 Tower clock
  • 55 Mantel clock
  • 56 Slot machine, coins drop
  • 57 Grandfather clock
  • 58 Cuckoo clock
  • 59 Cannon shots
  • 60 Artillery bursts (3)
  • 61 Rifle shots
  • 62 Alarm buzzer
  • 63 Heavy traffic
  • 64 Passenger train
  • 65 Highway traffic
  • 66 Car crash (left to center)
  • 67 Horse and wagon
  • 68 Tires screeching
  • 69 Gulls and ferry boat
  • 70 Car chase
  • 71 Car chase (Police join from left, ends in a crash center)
  • 72 Car starts, drives away
  • 73 Explosion
  • 74 Series of explosions
  • 75 Passenger train interior
  • 76 Passing from car to car, train in motion
  • 77 Train leaving station
  • 78 Medieval battle
  • 79 Ship alarm, under attack
  • 80 Fire alarm
  • 81 Steel mill/factory alarm
  • 82 Wasp
  • 83 Swarm of bees
  • 84 One cricket
  • 85 Insect noises at night
  • 86 Frogs
  • 87 Bull (1) #
  • 88 Bulldozer (2) #
  • 89 (3) #
  • 90 Chantier de construction (4) #
  • 91 Téléphone - occupé (5) #
  • 92 Téléphone - sonnerie (6) #
  • 93 Téléphone (7) #
  • 94 Téléphone - décrochage et raccrochage (8) #
  • 95 Téléphone, décrochage, sonnerie (tonalité), raccrochage (9) #
  • 96 Tonalité (10) #
  • 97 Réception (11) #
  • 98 Bouteille - ouverture, contenu versé dans un verre (12) #
  • 99 Champagne - pétillement (13) #
  • 100 Chien - St Bernard grognant (14) #
  • 101 Chat - châtons (15) #
  • 102 Lion (16) #
  • 103 (17) #
  • 104 (18) #
  • 105 Indiens - attaque (19) #
  • 106 Chevaux au galop (20) #
  • 107 Rodéo (21) #
  • 108 (22) #
  • 109 Indiens - cris de guerre (23) #
  • 110 Indiens - attaque, arrivée de la cavalerie (24) #
  • 111 Western - combat au révolver (25) #
  • 112 (26) #
  • 113 (27) #
  • 114 Fête enfantine (28) #
  • 115 Plage d'un lac, bateau motorisé (29) #
  • 116 Conversation masculine (30) #
  • 117 Restaurant animé (31) #
  • 118 (32) #
  • 119 Bavardages (33) #
  • 120 Foule énervée (34) #
  • 121 Bavardages (35) #
  • 122 Bateau levant l'ancre (36) #
  • 123 Bateau levant l'ancre (37) #
  • 124 (38) #
  • 125 Applaudissements d'un large public(39) #
  • 126 Applaudissements (40) #
  • 127 Foule (41) #
  • 128 Public d'un match de football (42)#
  • 129 (43) #
  • 130 Public riant (44) #
  • 131 Moto - contact et démarrage (45) #
  • 132 Usine (46) #
  • 133 (47) #
  • 134 (48) #
  • 135 Horloges électroniques (49) #
  • 136 Horloge - tic-tac (50) #
  • 137 Horloge électronique - alarme (51)#
  • 138 Alarme d'un réveil (52) #
  • 139 Traffic dense urbain (53) #
  • 140 (54) #
  • 141 (55) #
  • 142 Machine à sou, insertion de pièces(56) #
  • 143 Horloge de parquet (57) #
  • 144 Coucou (horloge) (58) #
  • 145 Canon - tirs (59) #
  • 146 Artillerie (60) #
  • 147 Carabine (61) #
  • 148 (62) #
  • 149 Traffic dense (63) #
  • 150 Train (64) #
  • 151 Traffic (65) #
  • 152 Accident de voiture (66) #
  • 153 Cheval et chariot (67) #
  • 154 (68) #
  • 155 Mouettes et ferry (69) #
  • 156 (70) #
  • 157 (71) #
  • 158 (72) #
  • 159 Explosion (73) #
  • 160 Explosions en série (74) #
  • 161 Train de passagers (intérieur) (75) #
  • 162 Voiture, passage, train en mouvement (76) #
  • 163 Train sortant d'une gare (77) #
  • 164 Bataille médiévale (78) #
  • 165 Alarme de bateau avant une attaque(79) #
  • 166 Sirène d'incendie (80) #
  • 167 (81) #
  • 168 Alarme d'usine (82) #
  • 169 Abeilles (83) #
  • 170 Cricket (84) #
  • 171 Insectes la nuit (85) #
  • 172 Grenouilles (86) #