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  • Ref. HK2552



  • 1 Worldbeaters: solo brass fanfare sets scene for pacey contemporary rhythm track with regal melody continuing around string interludes
  • 2 Body Torque: hard and heavy rock guitar track with fast piano break
  • 3 Eternal Flame: 'Superman' style orchestral suite with stirring brass melody line and silky string variations
  • 4 Adrenalin: heavy drums, rasping brass and wailing guitar will have you groping for the oxygen bottle
  • 5 The Victors: as the title suggests-a triumphant piece with brass fanfare line over modern rhythm track
  • 6 Wear that name with pride: hautingguitar melody over orchestral backing gives this dramatic piece an 'Anthem' feel
  • 7 Glittering prize: tubular bells intro and breaks lend a semi-festive touch to this unusual rhythmic track
  • 8 Through the barrier: heavy guitar riff drives along over pulsating bass line with acoustic guitar takingmiddle break
  • 9 Olympic dream: 'Chariots of Fire' type piano melody builds gradually to a stirring climax
  • 10 Speed demons: frantic, infectious chords and orchestral stabs interweave over pumping bass
  • 11 Golden challenge: sparkling, paceysporting theme with bright optimistic melody line
  • 12 Light of the world: triumphant brass line over effected drums gives intro a 'slow-motion' feel until rhythm track enters
  • 13 Human conflict: metallic lead lineand vocal FX lace a mid-tempo track with a slightly mystical feel
  • 14 Ride the tiger: high energy track underlays heavy chords and insistent brass riff