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  • Ref. HJ5021
  • GATEWAY, 1997.


  • 1 Pigeon active
  • 2 Cows begofe miking
  • 3 Dog barks alert, friendly
  • 4 Donkey
  • 5 Goats being fed
  • 6 Chicken clucks
  • 7 2 pigs grunt and snuffle
  • 8 Pigs scratch and grunt
  • 9 Sheep
  • 10 Sheep eating hay
  • 11 Barnyard, chickens, goats, sheep, cows
  • 12 Zebra - Group
  • 13 Gnus - Group
  • 14 Lion roars
  • 15 Elephants scream, trumpet
  • 16 Hyena group yapping
  • 17 Monkeys chattering
  • 18 Young dog
  • 19 Wolves howling
  • 20 Cat anxious
  • 21 Crows
  • 22 Jungle-active, birds, insects
  • 23 Frog chorus
  • 24 Rattlesnake
  • 25 Horses galloping
  • 26 Hummingbirds with bird background
  • 27 Cougar
  • 28 Gorilla pants growls
  • 29 Monkey angry
  • 30 Tiger snarl
  • 31 Baby goat - Kid
  • 32 Goat eating from a bottle
  • 33 Pigs grunt and squeal
  • 34 Peacock
  • 35 Horse in Meadow
  • 36 Dog outdoors barking and running
  • 37 Whinney
  • 38 Baby Duck
  • 39 Duck and Geese
  • 40 Horse canter
  • 41 Rooster
  • 42 Coyote
  • 43 Cat Purrs and Sneazes
  • 44 Snowy owl
  • 45 Young siberian tiger, playful
  • 46 Flamingos
  • 47 Lioness roas grumbles
  • 48 Porcupine
  • 49 Macaws
  • 50 Turkey
  • 51 Ocelot growls
  • 52 Alligators, hissing
  • 53 Bronx Zoo - Sea lions
  • 54 Bronx Zoo - Pond wooduck, coots
  • 55 Labs panting
  • 56 Goats and kids
  • 57 Loonscape
  • 58 Whales
  • 59 Dolphins
  • 60 Fox hounds
  • 61 Peacock
  • 62 Criket
  • 63 Pigeon (1) #
  • 64 Vaches (2) #
  • 65 Chien de garde, amical (3) #
  • 66 (4) #
  • 67 (5) #
  • 68 Poulet (6) #
  • 69 Cochons grognant et reniflant (7) #
  • 70 Cochons (8) #
  • 71 (9) #
  • 72 (10) #
  • 73 (11) #
  • 74 Zèbre (12) #
  • 75 (13) #
  • 76 Lion rugissant (14) #
  • 77 Eléphant criant, trompette (15) #
  • 78 Hyènes (16) #
  • 79 (17) #
  • 80 Chiot (18) #
  • 81 Loups hurlant (19) #
  • 82 Chat anxieux (20) #
  • 83 (21) #
  • 84 Jungle, oiseaux, insectes (22) #
  • 85 Grenouille - choeur (23) #
  • 86 (24) #
  • 87 Chevaux au galop (25) #
  • 88 (26) #
  • 89 (27) #
  • 90 Gorille (28) #
  • 91 (29) #
  • 92 Tigre grognant (30) #
  • 93 (31) #
  • 94 (32) #
  • 95 Cochons grognant et poussant des petis cris (33) #
  • 96 (34) #
  • 97 (35) #
  • 98 (36) #
  • 99 (37) #
  • 100 Caneton (38) #
  • 101 Canard et oie (39) #
  • 102 (40) #
  • 103 (41) #
  • 104 Coyote (42) #
  • 105 (43) #
  • 106 (44) #
  • 107 Tigre sibérien (jeune) jouant (45)#
  • 108 Flamants (46) #
  • 109 Lionnes rugissant (47) #
  • 110 Porc-épic (48) #
  • 111 Macaques (49) #
  • 112 (50) #
  • 113 (51) #
  • 114 Alligators (52) #
  • 115 Lion maritime (53) #
  • 116 (54) #
  • 117 (55) #
  • 118 (56) #
  • 119 (57) #
  • 120 (58) #
  • 121 Dauphins (59) #
  • 122 Renard (60) #
  • 123 (61) #
  • 124 Cricket (62) #