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Charles K. NOYES

  • Ref. UN9032
  • ECSTATIC PEACE!, 2000. Enregistrement 1990-1999.

"The music contained on this CD reflects some of the areas I have been both actively and indirectly exploring for the past ten years. I conceived each piece with both a particular acoustical concept as well as anj emotional center associated with it: all are concerned with my ongoing struggle against time. As such they may be best approached as stills from a film as opposed to strict compositions.".



  • 1 The call
  • 2 From mud into animals
  • 3 Mystery = Misery
  • 4 The urbanchich method
  • 5 John Cage in heaven
  • 6 In memoriam Kathy Acker
  • 7 White Noyes
  • 8 A separate reality
  • 9 Hex code
  • 10 Mizo no oto
  • 11 The system at war with itself
  • 12 Murder * Massage U.S.A.