- Ref. UN8770
- LEO RECORDS, 1999. Enregistrement 1997.
Under the direction of Thomas Böhm-Christl and Joachim Gies, the Not Missing Drums Project gave three concerts in Berlin. Each concert involved nine musicians, and a total of twenty musicians participated in the three sessions: four vocalists, seven wind players, seven string players and two pianists.
- Margarete HUBER : Voix
- Margreth KAMMERER : Voix
- Alex NOWITZ : Voice
- Wolfgang RITTHOFF : Voice
- Ernst-Ludwig PETROWSKY : Flûte, Reeds
- Joachim GIES : Reeds, Clarinette basse
- Jürgen KUPKE : Clarinette
- Rudi MAHALL : Clarinette basse
- Elisabeth BÖHM-CHRISTL : Basson, Double bassoon
- Axel DÖRNER : Trompette
- Thomas WIEDERMANN : Trombone
- Aleks KOLKOWSKI : Violon
- Wolfram KORR : Violon
- Thomas BÖHM-CHRISTL : Violoncelle
- Gesine CONRAD : Violoncelle
- Matthias BAUER : Voice, Contrebasse
- Gerold GENSSLER : Contrebasse
- Hartwig NICKOLA : Contrebasse
- Bardo HENNIG : Piano
- Andrea NEUMANN : Piano
- 1 No-garde intermezzo
- 2 Rudimetares ambiente (Rudimentary ambient)
- 3 Jenseits der Baumgrenze (Beyond the timber-line)
- 4 Nach dieser Aufregung (After this excitement)
- 5 Das letzte Olbild (The last oil-painting)
- 6 Kip Torro!
- 7 Ganz, zerbrochen, geklebt (Whole, broken, glued)
- 8 Offene Versprechen (Open promises)
- 9 An der Hand oder nicht oder (By the hand or not or)
- 10 Textur bildlos (Texture non-pictural)
- 11 Skalla
- 12 Formationen für Fragile (Formations for the fragile)
- 13 Flüssige Sätze (Liquid movements)
- 14 Druckausgleich ohne Lizenz (Pressure equalization without a licence)
- 15 Außer Betrieb (Out of order)
- 16 Tiger
- 17 Lied der Worte (Song of words)
- 18 Heimliche Stufen (Secret steps)
- 19 Infrarot taghell (Infrared as light as day)
- 20 Schatten auf den Hügeln (Shadow onthe hills)
- 21 Luft von anderem Planeten no.48 (Air from another planet no.48)
- 22 Vollstes Verstandnis (Complete agreement)
- 23 Scharfe Ränder (Sharp edges)
- 24