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  • Ref. LL9783



  • 1 London Bridge is falling down
  • 2 How do you say the seasons? Comment dit-on les saisons?
  • 3 Dance to you Daddy
  • 4 It's raining
  • 5 Knick, knack, paddy whack
  • 6 How do you say the meals? Comment dit-on les repas?
  • 7 Round and roun
  • 8 Betty Botter
  • 9 How do you say first names? Comment dit-on les prénoms?
  • 10 Do you know the Muffin Man?
  • 11 Around the Rugged Rock
  • 12 One two three four five
  • 13 How do you say the days of the week? Comment dit-on les jours de la semaine?
  • 14 Pussy cat
  • 15 The Old Sow
  • 16 ABCD
  • 17 Baa, baa, black sheep
  • 18 Swan swam
  • 19 Sing a song of sixpence
  • 20 How do you say the members of the Royal Family? Comment dit-on les membres de la famille royale?
  • 21 Three blind mice
  • 22 Polly, put the kettle on
  • 23 Tinker, Tailor
  • 24 Rock-a-bye baby
  • 25 How do you say the rooms of the house? Comment dit-on les pièces de la maison?
  • 26 Ring a-ring o'roses
  • 27 Robert Rolly
  • 28 Jack Sprat
  • 29 Lavender's blue
  • 30 How do you say the names of the animals? Comment dit-on les noms des animaux?
  • 31 Hickory, dickory dock
  • 32 Eencey Weencey spider
  • 33 A tree toad
  • 34 How do you say the colors of the rainbow? Comment dit-on les couleursde l'arc-en-ciel?
  • 35 Boys and girls
  • 36 How do you say the means of transports? Comment dit-on les moyens de transport?
  • 37 Pop Goes the Weasel
  • 38 How do you say the feast Days? Comment dit-on les fêtes de l'année?
  • 39 Big black bug
  • 40 Oranges and Lemons
  • 41 How do you say the months of the year? Comment dit-on les mois de l'année?
  • 42 Here we go 'round the mulberry bush
  • 43 The Queen of Hearts
  • 44 The Grand old Duke of York
  • 45 Comment dit-on les chiffres? How do you say the numbers?
  • 46 London Bridge is falling down (instr.)
  • 47 Dance to your Daddy (instr.)
  • 48 Knick, knack, paddy whack (instr.)
  • 49 Betty Botter (instr.)
  • 50 Do you know the Muffin Man? (instr.)
  • 51 One two three four five (instr.)
  • 52 The Old Sow (instr.)
  • 53 Baa, baa, black sheep (instr.)
  • 54 Sing a song of sixpence (instr.)
  • 55 Polly, put the kettle on (instr.)
  • 56 Rock-a-bye baby (instr.)
  • 57 Robert Rolly (instr.)
  • 58 Lavender's blue (instr.)
  • 59 Hickory, dickory dock (instr.)
  • 60 A tree toad (instr.)
  • 61 Boys and girls (instr.)
  • 62 Pop Goes the Weasel (instr.)
  • 63 Oranges and Lemons (instr.)
  • 64 Here we go 'round the mulberry bush (instr.)
  • 65 The Grand old Duke of York (instr.) (CD 1)
  • 66 Head and Shoulders
  • 67 Good Morning
  • 68 If You're Happy
  • 69 I joined the navy
  • 70 Jack and Jill
  • 71 The Sun Rises
  • 72 Row your boat
  • 73 She'll be comin' around the mountain
  • 74 Fuzzy Wuzzy
  • 75 Eenie Meenie
  • 76 I've been workin' on the railroad
  • 77 A wise old owl
  • 78 Cowboys
  • 79 The Camptown races
  • 80 Buckle my shoe
  • 81 Mares eat oats
  • 82 Over the river
  • 83 This is the way
  • 84 O Suzanna
  • 85 Rain rain
  • 86 Had a little rooster
  • 87 I think i can
  • 88 The Big Rock Candy Montains
  • 89 One potato
  • 90 Twinkle twinkle
  • 91 Oouy gooy
  • 92 Little green frog
  • 93 A noise annoys
  • 94 Beans beans
  • 95 Thirty days
  • 96 Short'nin bread
  • 97 Birdy in the sky
  • 98 Abracadabra
  • 99 Teedy bear
  • 100 Three monkeys
  • 101 Whether the weather
  • 102 This little pig
  • 103 White sheep
  • 104 Tell me why
  • 105 Tex Mex
  • 106 Nobody likes me
  • 107 Cajun
  • 108 Paw paw patch
  • 109 Blue is the sea
  • 110 Hush little baby
  • 111 Head and shoulders (instr.)
  • 112 If you're happy (instr.)
  • 113 Jack and Jill (instr.)
  • 114 She'll be comin' around the mountain (instr.)
  • 115 I've been workin' on the railroad
  • 116 The Camptown races (instr.)
  • 117 Over the river (instr.)
  • 118 O Suzanna (instr.)
  • 119 Had a little rooster (instr.)
  • 120 The big rock Candy Mountains (instr.)
  • 121 Twinkle Twinkle (instr.)
  • 122 Little green frog (instr.)
  • 123 Beans beans (instr.)
  • 124 Short'nin bread (instr.)
  • 125 Teddy bear (instr.)
  • 126 This little pig (instr.)
  • 127 Tell me why (instr.)
  • 128 Nobody likes me (instr.)
  • 129 Paw paw patch (instr.)
  • 130 Hush little baby (instr.)