- Ref. LZ7500
- NAXOS, 1995.
Voici un recueil de courtes histoires et de petits poèmes lus en anglais et qui concernent quantité d'auteurs. La lecture des textes est partagée entre quatre comédiens; leur lecture expressive suscitera l'attention des enfants anglophones ou des jeunes qui apprennent à se familiariser avec la langue. Certaines poésies sont précédées ou suivies d'un extrait musical. JMV***
- Anton LESSER : Lecteur
- Anne HARVEY : Lecteur
- Katinka WOLF : Lecteur
- Jan FIELDEN : Concepteur
- John MOLE : Concepteur
- Erik SATIE : Compositeur
- Maurice RAVEL : Compositeur
- Claude DEBUSSY : Compositeur
- Camille SAINT-SAENS : Compositeur
- Peter TCHAIKOVSKY : Compositeur
- Nicolas RIMSKY-KORSAKOV : Compositeur
- 1 The Jumblies (Edward Lear)
- 2 Spell of creation (Kathleen Raine)
- 3 The tyger (William Blake)
- 4 The mysterious cat (Vachel Lindsay)
- 5 The lobster quadrille (Lewis Carroll)
- 6 The big rock candy mountain (Anon)
- 7 The flower-fed buffaloes (Vachel Lindsay)
- 8 Hiawatha (H.W.Longfellow)
- 9 The war song of dinas vawr (Thomas Love Peacock)
- 10 Kubla khan (Samuel Taylor Coleridge)
- 11 First love (John Mole)
- 12 The song of wandering aengus (William Butler Yeats)
- 13 Moonlit apples (John Drinkwater)
- 14 The lady of shalott (Alfred Lord Tennyson)
- 15 Zoe's ear-rings (Kit Wright)
- 16 Queen, queen Caroline (Anon)
- 17 There was a man who always wove (Anon)
- 18 Ice-skating from the prelude, book1 (William Wordsworth)
- 19 When Icicles hanh by the wall (William Shakespeare)
- 20 The owl, song I and II (Alfred Lord Tennyson)
- 21 Professor Noctutus (George Macdonald)
- 22 The Bogus-boo (James Reeves)
- 23 The jigsaw man (John Mole)
- 24 A tragedy in rhyme (Oliver Herford)
- 25 Weathers (Thomas Hardy)
- 26 Duck's ditty (Kenneth Grahame)
- 27 Little trotty wagtail (John Clare)
- 28 The snail (William Cowper)
- 29 A guinea-pig story( Anon)
- 30 The mighty horse (The book of Job)
- 31 Henry king (Hilaire Belloc)
- 32 Matilda (Belloc) (CD 1)
- 33 The witches: Macbeth (William Shakespeare)
- 34 The hag (Robert Herrick)
- 35 The witch-bride (William Allingham)
- 36 From a railway carriage (Robert Louis Stevenson)
- 37 Dahn the plug'ole (Anon)
- 38 Meg merrilies (John Keats)
- 39 Leisure (W H.Davies)
- 40 Hunger (Laurence Binyon)
- 41 The gallows (Edward Thomas)
- 42 The way through the woods (Rudyard Kipling)
- 43 Framed in a first-story winder (Anon)
- 44 Wish wish wish (Jackie Kay)
- 45 My mother saw a dancing bear (Charles Causley)
- 46 Nicolas Nye (Walter De La Mare)
- 47 Cargoes (John Masefield)
- 48 Don't you go too near the sea (Eleanor Farjeon)
- 49 Overheard on a saltmarsh (Harold Munro)
- 50 Goblin market I (Christina Rossetti)
- 51 Goblin market II (Rossetti)
- 52 Pied piper of Hamelin (Robert Browning)
- 53 The toys talk of the world (Katherine Pyle)
- 54 There was a man of double deed (Anon)
- 55 ballad of sir Patrick Spens (Anon)(The)
- 56 The charge of the light brigade (Alfred Lord Tennyson)
- 57 Colonel Fazackerley (Charles Causley)
- 58 The king's breakfast (A.A.Milne)
- 59 Windy nights (Rober Louis Stevenson)
- 60 The listeners (Walter De La Mare)