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Georg Friedrich HAENDEL

Richard NEVILLE-TOWLE - Sophie BEVAN...

  • Ref. BH4078
  • DELPHIAN, 2010.

Le Festival d'Édimbourg est un lieu de rendez-vous des meilleurs ensembles baroques du Royaume-Uni et les apparitions du Ludus baroques y sont des événements incontournables. Il est heureux que l'enregistrement de ces Fêtes d'Alexandre dirigée par Richard Neville-Towle et auxquelles participent des solistes britanniques aussi talentueux que Sophie Bevan, Ed Lyon et William Berger en autorise une plus large diffusion.

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  • Alexander's feast, ode-oratorio, en 2 actes, HHA 1.1, HG 12, HWV 75


Disque 1

  • 1 Alexander's Feast: Part One, Overture
  • 2 Recitative Alexander's Feast: Part One, "'Twas at the royal feast"
  • 3 Air & Chorus Alexander's Feast: Part One, "Happy, happy, happy pair!"
  • 4 Recitative Alexander's Feast: Part One, "Timortheus, plac'd on high"
  • 5 Recitative Alexander's Feast: Part One, "The song began from Jove"
  • 6 Chorus Alexander's Feast: Part One, "The list'ning crowd admire the lofty sound"
  • 7 Air Alexander's Feast: Part One, "With ravish'd ears the monarch hears"
  • 8 Recitative Alexander's Feast: Part One, "The praise of Bacchus"
  • 9 Air & Chorus Alexander's Feast: Part One, "Bacchus, ever fair and young"
  • 10 Recitative Alexander's Feast: Part One, "Sooth'd with the sound, the king grew vain"
  • 11 Recitative Alexander's Feast: Part One, "He chose a mournful Muse"
  • 12 Air Alexander's Feast: Part One, "He sung Darius, great and good"
  • 13 Recitative Alexander's Feast: Part One, "With downcast looks the joyless victor sate"
  • 14 Chorus Alexander's Feast: Part One, "Behold Darius great and good"
  • 15 Recitative Alexander's Feast: Part One, "The mighty master smil'd to see"
  • 16 Arioso Alexander's Feast: Part One, "Softly sweet in Lydian measures"
  • 17 Air Alexander's Feast: Part One, "War, he sung, is toil and trouble"
  • 18 Chorus Alexander's Feast: Part One, "The many rend the skies with loud applause"
  • 19 Air & Chorus Alexander's Feast: Part One, "The prince, unable to conceal his pain"

Disque 2

  • 1 Recitative & Chorus Alexander's Feast: Part Two, "Now strike the golden Lyre again"
  • 2 Air Alexander's Feast: Part Two, "Revenge, Timotheus cries"
  • 3 Recitative Alexander's Feast: Part Two, "Give the vengeance due"
  • 4 Air Alexander's Feast: Part Two, "The princes applaud with a furious joy"
  • 5 Air and Chorus Alexander's Feast: Part Two, "Thais led the way"
  • 6 Recitative Alexander's Feast: Part Two, "Thus, long ago"
  • 7 Grand Chorus Alexander's Feast: Part Two, "At last divine Cecilia came"
  • 8 Recitative Alexander's Feast: Part Two, "Let old Timotheus yield the prize"
  • 9 Chorus Alexander's Feast: Part Two, "Let old Timotheus yield the prize"
  • 10 Chorus Alexander's Feast: Part Two, "Your voices tune, and raise them high"