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Georg Friedrich HAENDEL

Mark PADMORE - Andrew MANZE...

  • Ref. BH3506
  • HARMONIA MUNDI USA, 2007. Enregistrement 2006.

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  • Enjoy the sweet Elysian grove, air pour ténor, HHA 1.30, HG 46B, HWV 45
  • Where'er you walk... Aria, HHA 1.19, HG 7
  • Urne voi, air pour ténor, HHA 1.4, HG 24
  • Forte e lieto, air de Bajazet (Acte I), HG 69, HWV 18
  • O per me lieto, (Bajazet, Tamerlano, Asteria, Acte III, sc.10), HG 69, HWV 18
  • Total Eclipse! No sun, no moon...Aria, HWV 57
  • Thus when the sun from wat'ry bed, air de Samson, HWV 57
  • Fatto inferno è il mio petto, Scène (Grimoaldo)
  • Pastorello d'un povero armento, Aria (Grimoaldo)
  • Tune your harps
  • His mighty arm (Jephta, Acte II, sc.2), HHA 1.32, HG 44
  • Waft her, Angels (Jephta, Acte III, sc.1), HHA 1.32, HG 44
  • As steals the morn, duo, HHA 1.16, HG 6, HWV 55


  • 1 Handel: Alceste, Act IV: Enjoy the sweet Elysian grove
  • 2 Handel: Semele, Act II, 3: Where'er you walk
  • 3 Handel: Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno, Part I: Urne voi
  • 4 Handel: Tamerlano, Act I, 1: Forte e lieto
  • 5 Handel: Tamerlano, Act III, 10: Oh per me lieto, avventuroso giorno!
  • 6 Handel: Tamerlano, Act III, 10: Figlia mia / Tu, spietato
  • 7 Handel: Samson, Act I, 2: Total eclipse
  • 8 Handel: Samson, Act II, 2: Did love constrain thee?
  • 9 Handel: Samson, Act II, 2: Your charms to ruin led the way
  • 10 Handel: Samson, Act III, 1: Let but that spirit / Then shall I make
  • 11 Handel: Samson, Act III, 1: Thus when the sun from's wat'ry bed
  • 12 Handel: Rodelinda, Act III, 6: Fatto inferno
  • 13 Handel: Rodelinda, Act III, 6: Pastorello d'un povero armento
  • 14 Handel: Esther, Act I, 2: Tune your harps
  • 15 Handel: Jephtha, Act II, 2: Heav'n smiles once more
  • 16 Handel: Jephtha, Act II, 2: His mighty arm
  • 17 Handel: Jephtha, Act III, 1: Waft her, angels
  • 18 Handel: L'Allegro, Il Penseroso, ed il Moderato, Part III: As steals the morn