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Alfred DELLER - August WENZINGER...

  • Ref. GC4510
  • EMI, 1949-1953.

SHAKESPEARE SETTINGS:* Thomas MORLEY: It was a lover and his lass (As You Like It) - O Mistress mine (Twelfth Night)* John WILSON: Take, o take those lips away (Measure for Measure) * ANONYME: Sing, willow, willow (Othello) - Peg-a-Ramsay (Twelfth Night) - Caleno custure me! (Henry V) - Greensleeves (The Merry Wives of Windsor) * Henry PURCELL: Epithalamium (The Fairy Queen)* Henry PURCELL: An Evening Hymn



  • Johannes CICONIA : O Rosa bella, ballata à 3 voix, C 75
  • Johannes BEDYNGHAM [BODNEHAM, BENIGUN] : O rosa bella, ballade
  • John DOWLAND : Fine knacks for ladies, cheap, choise, braue and new, F 2.48, D 39
  • John DOWLAND : In darknesse let mee dwell, pour voix et luth, F 4.116
  • John DOWLAND : Flow my teares, F 2.6
  • John DOWLAND : Sorrow stay, F 2.12
  • Philip ROSSETER : What then is love but mourning?
  • Robert JOHNSON : Where the bee sucks, lute-song (Shakespeare: The Tempest)
  • Robert JOHNSON : Full fathom five, lute-song (Shakespeare: The Tempest)
  • Henry PURCELL : Sweeter than roses, Z 585
  • Henry PURCELL : Music for a while, Z 583
  • Henry PURCELL : If music be the food of love, Z 379
  • Henry PURCELL : Retir'd from any mortal'sigh, extrait de History of King Richard II, Z 581
  • Henry PURCELL : Thus to a ripe consenting maid, Z 607
  • Henry PURCELL : Hark how all things, Z 629