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Matthew LOCKE

Patrizia KWELLA - Nigel ROGERS...

  • Ref. BL7407
  • EMI, 1982.

Music for His Majesty's Sagbutts & Cornetts (1661) - To a Lady singing to herself by the Thames'side - Wrong not your lovely eyes - Lucinda, winke or vaile those eyes - When Phillis watch't her harmless sheep - The Despondent Lover's Song - Canon à 6 - A plaine song given by Mr.William Brode of Hawford - My lodging it id on the cold ground - Orpheus with his lute - Urania to Parthenissa. A Dream - Suite n°4 - Pavan (Almand) in 6 parts - Saraband in 4 parts - A Dialogue between Thirsis and Dorinda - A Pastoral
