- Ref. AD7552
- BIS, 1994.
- Jakob LINDBERG : Luth, Guitare, Direction
- Frogg Galliard, pour luth, P 23a
- Lachrimae, pavane pour luth, P 15
- Sir John Smith his Almaine, pour luth, P 47
- King of Denmark his Galliard, P 40
- Fantasie, pour luth, sol, P 6
- The Lord Viscount Lisle his Galliard, pour luth, P 38
- The Shomakers Wife, a Toy, gigue pour luth, P 58
- My Lady Hunsdons Allmande (Puffe), pour luth, P 54
- Mrs Vauxes Gigge, pour luth, P 57
- Mrs Brigide Fleetswoods Paven als Solus sine sola, pour luth, P 11
- Mignarda, gaillarde pour luth, P 34
- Orlando sleepeth, pour luth, P 61
- Can she excuse, gaillarde pour luth, P 42
- Mistris Winters Jumpe, gigue pour luth, P 55
- Lord Willoughby's Wellcome Home, pour luth, P 66
- Melancoly Galliard, pour luth, P 25
- A Fancy, fantaisie pour luth (auth. ?), P 73
- A Dream, pavane pour luth (auth. ?), P 75
- Wallsingham, pour luth, P 67
- Fantasie, pour luth, P 1
- Semper Dowland semper dolens, P 9
- Mr Knights Galliard, pour luth, P 36
- Farewell fantasia, pour luth, P 3
- Tarletones Riserrectione, gigue pour luth, P 59
- Resolucon, pavane pour luth, P 13
- 1 23a The Frog Galliard
- 2 15 Lachrimae
- 3 47 Sir John Smith, His Almain
- 4 13 Resolution
- 5 40 The Most High and Mighty Christianus the Fourth, King of Denmark, His Galliard
- 6 6 A Fancy
- 7 38 The Right Honourable The Lord Viscount Lisle, His Galliard
- 8 58 The Shoemaker´s Wife (58): The Shoemaker? Wife
- 9 54 Lady Hunsdon´s Puffe (54): Lady Hunsdon? Puffe
- 10 57 Mrs. Vaux Jig
- 11 11 Mrs. Brigide Fleetwood´s Pavan alias Solus Sine Sola (11): Mrs. Brigide Fleetwood? Pavan alias Solus Sine Sola
- 12 34 Mignarda
- 13 61 Orlando Sleepeth
- 14 42 Can She Excuse
- 15 55 Mrs. Winter´s Jump (55): Mrs. Winter? Jump
- 16 66a My Lord Willoughby´s Welcome Home (66a): My Lord Willoughby? Welcome Home
- 17 25 Melancholy Galliard
- 18 73 A Fancy
- 19 75 A Dream
- 20 67 Walsingham
- 21 1a A Fantasie
- 22 9 Semper Dowland Semper Dolens
- 23 36 Mr. Knight´s Galliard (36): Mr. Knight? Galliard
- 24 3 Farewell
- 25 59 Tarleton´s Riserrctione (59): Tarleton? Riserrctione