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Emprunt non disponible

John Philip SOUSA


  • Ref. DS7960
  • CHANDOS, 1995.

Écouter les extraits



  • Semper Fidelis
  • The Crusader
  • El Capitan
  • The Invincible Eagle
  • King Cotton
  • Hands across the Sea
  • Manhattan Beach
  • Our flirtations
  • The Picadore
  • The Gladiator March
  • The Free Lance
  • The Washington Post
  • The Beau Ideal
  • The High School Cadets
  • Fairest of the Fair
  • The Thunderer
  • The Occidental
  • Liberty Bell
  • The Corcoran Cadets March
  • National Fencibles
  • The Black Horse Troop
  • The Gridiron Club
  • The Directorate
  • The Belle of Chicago


  • 1 Semper Fidelis
  • 2 The Crusader
  • 3 El Capitan March
  • 4 The Invincible Eagle
  • 5 King Cotton
  • 6 Hands across the Sea
  • 7 Manhatten Beach
  • 8 Our Flirtations
  • 9 The Picadore
  • 10 The Gladiator March
  • 11 The Free Lance
  • 12 The Washington Post
  • 13 The Beau Ideal
  • 14 The High School Cadets
  • 15 The Fairest of the Fair
  • 16 The Thunderer
  • 17 The Occidental
  • 18 The Liberty Bell
  • 19 The Corcoran Cadets
  • 20 National Fencibles March
  • 21 The Black Horse Troop
  • 22 The Gridiron Club
  • 23 The Directorate
  • 24 The Belle of Chicago