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Robyn ARCHER - Dominic MULDOWNEY...

  • Ref. EA4813
  • EMI, 1981-1984.

Hanns EISLER: I came to the towns - You who will come to the surface - Kurt WEILL: The Threepenny Opera (extraits) - Bertolt BRECHT: Benares Song - Ballad of the Pirates - Paul UMLAUFT: Remebering Mane A - Hanns EISLER: Madam's Song - Nanna's Song - Supply and Demand - Ballad of Marie Sanders - Ballad on Approving of the World - The Mask of Evil - Hollywood Elegies -The Flower Garden- Kurt WEILL: Alabama Song - Epitaph 1919 - The Song of Surabaya Johnny - Paul DESSAU: The Song of the Girl and the Soldier - Mother Courage's Song - Dominic MULDOWNEY: The Play is over (chanté en anglais) - Dominic Muldowny, dir. & piano



  • Hanns EISLER : Ballade von der Judenhure Marie Sanders, pour voix et orchestre