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Arnold [Sir] BAX


  • Ref. EB4645
  • CHANDOS, 1990.

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  • 1 The Truth About the Russian Dancers: Overture - Vivace
  • 2 The Truth About the Russian Dancers: Entry of Karissima
  • 3 The Truth About the Russian Dancers: Karissima plays golf -
  • 4 The Truth About the Russian Dancers: Karissima and Lady Vere
  • 5 The Truth About the Russian Dancers: The Walking Lesson - Va
  • 6 The Truth About the Russian Dancers: Lord Vere tells his mot
  • 7 The Truth About the Russian Dancers: Karissima appeals for l
  • 8 The Truth About the Russian Dancers: Karissima droops pathet
  • 9 The Truth About the Russian Dancers: Karissima's dance of jo
  • 10 The Truth About the Russian Dancers: The wedding ceremony
  • 11 The Truth About the Russian Dancers: Dance: corps de ballet
  • 12 The Truth About the Russian Dancers: The Wedding Service
  • 13 The Truth About the Russian Dancers: A wild night: The Maest
  • 14 The Truth About the Russian Dancers: The clock strikes twelv
  • 15 The Truth About the Russian Dancers: Lord Vere pleads for a
  • 16 The Truth About the Russian Dancers: Karissima and Lord Vere
  • 17 The Truth About the Russian Dancers: Dance of Motherhood - L
  • 18 The Truth About the Russian Dancers: The Funeral of Karissim
  • 19 The Truth About the Russian Dancers: Child's Dance - Allegre
  • 20 The Truth About the Russian Dancers: Karissima's Farewell -
  • 21 The Truth About the Russian Dancers: Finale - Allegro vivace
  • 22 From Dusk Till Dawn: Prelude: Summer night at the Window - S
  • 23 From Dusk Till Dawn: The Wind Dances in the Garden - Moderat
  • 24 From Dusk Till Dawn: Molot più Lento: Midnight Strikes
  • 25 From Dusk Till Dawn: The Awakening
  • 26 From Dusk Till Dawn: The Flower's Dance - Gay and Lively
  • 27 From Dusk Till Dawn: The Dancer and the Clown - Allegretto
  • 28 From Dusk Till Dawn: The Wind Dances through the Room - Mode
  • 29 From Dusk Till Dawn: Più Lento: the clock strikes one
  • 30 From Dusk Till Dawn: The Flowers Dance Again - Valse tempo (
  • 31 From Dusk Till Dawn: Più Lento: The clock strikes two
  • 32 From Dusk Till Dawn: The dancer falls weeping into the clown
  • 33 From Dusk Till Dawn: The clown thrusts her aside and scolds
  • 34 From Dusk Till Dawn: They quarrel - tempo of the dance
  • 35 From Dusk Till Dawn: The wind violent and boisterous - Alleg
  • 36 From Dusk Till Dawn: The dancer humbly draws the clown's att
  • 37 From Dusk Till Dawn: The dancer turns back to the clown
  • 38 From Dusk Till Dawn: Dawn - Moderato
  • 39 From Dusk Till Dawn: The clock strikes three
  • 40 From Dusk Till Dawn: Everything is still; a sad silence reig
  • 41 From Dusk Till Dawn: The wind blows the dancer into the clow