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  • Ref. BP2935
  • BIS, 1999. Enregistrement 1998.

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  • Corydon, cantate pour 1 voix et continuo
  • Gottfried [Godfrey] FINGER : A ground by Mr. Finger (ex. The Division Flute)
  • Love frowns in beauteous Myra's Eyes, cantate pour 1 voix et continuo
  • Cleora, cantate pour 1 voix et continuo
  • When Loves soft passion... cantate pour 1 voix et continuo
  • Henry PURCELL : If love's a sweet passion, Z 629
  • John BLOW : Mortlack's Ground, pour clavecin
  • Meneleas, cantate pour 1 voix et continuo


  • 1 While Corydon the lovely shepherd, "Corydon": I. Recitative: While Corydon, the lonely shepherd
  • 2 While Corydon the lovely shepherd, "Corydon": II. Aria: Gay charmer, to befriend thee
  • 3 While Corydon the lovely shepherd, "Corydon": III. Recitative: The Shepherd rose, he gaz? around
  • 4 While Corydon the lovely shepherd, "Corydon": IV. Aria: Who, from Love his Heart securing
  • 5 The First Part of the Division Flute: Ground
  • 6 Love frowns in Beauteous Myra's Eyes: I. (Aria): Love frowns in Beauteous Myra? Eyes
  • 7 Love frowns in Beauteous Myra's Eyes: II. Recitative: Mark how when sullen Clouds appear
  • 8 Love frowns in Beauteous Myra's Eyes: III. Aria: Love and the graces smiling
  • 9 Recorder Sonata in F major: I. Vivace
  • 10 Cleora sat beneath a shade, "Cleora": I. Recitative: Cleora sat beneath a Shade
  • 11 Cleora sat beneath a shade, "Cleora": II. Air: Sure time and Love are both a sleep
  • 12 Cleora sat beneath a shade, "Cleora": III. Recitative: Dorus wing? with Swift desire
  • 13 Cleora sat beneath a shade, "Cleora": IV. Aria: Fly Care and Anguish far away
  • 14 Recorder Sonata in D minor: I. Grave
  • 15 Recorder Sonata in D minor: II. Allegro
  • 16 Recorder Sonata in D minor: III. Vivace
  • 17 When Loves soft passion: I. Recitative: When Loves soft passion had usurp? my
  • 18 When Loves soft passion: II. Aria: O Love thou know?t my anguish
  • 19 When Loves soft passion: III. Recitative: The God of Love who hear? my pray?
  • 20 When Loves soft passion: IV. Aria: Why shou? I Love the fair that fly? me
  • 21 The Fairy Queen: If Love's sweet Passion: The Fairy Queen: If Love? sweet Passion
  • 22 Morlake Ground
  • 23 Menaloas once the gayest swain, "Menaloas": I. Recitative: Menaloas, once the gayest Swain
  • 24 Menaloas once the gayest swain, "Menaloas": II. Aria: Beware my Thyrsis how you prove
  • 25 Menaloas once the gayest swain, "Menaloas": III. Recitative: Soon alass, the heedless youth
  • 26 Menaloas once the gayest swain, "Menaloas": IV. Aria: Ah, simple Boy, your boasted sence