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Charles Hubert PARRY

Matthias BAMERT - Della JONES...

  • Ref. DP3345
  • CHANDOS, 1991.

Écouter les extraits



  • The Soul's Ransom, sinfonia sacra pour soprano, basse, choeur et orchestre
  • The Lotos Eaters, chant chorique pour soprano, choeur et orchestre


  • 1 The Soul's Ransom: Introduction
  • 2 The Soul's Ransom: Chorus: 'Who can number the sands of the
  • 3 The Soul's Ransom: Bass solo: 'Hear ye this O ye people'
  • 4 The Soul's Ransom: Chorus: 'We look for light'
  • 5 The Soul's Ransom: Soprano solo & Chorus: 'Why are ye so fe
  • 6 The Soul's Ransom: Bass solo & Chorus: 'The hand of the Lor
  • 7 The Soul's Ransom: Soprano solo: 'The people that walked in
  • 8 The Soul's Ransom: Chorus: 'See now ye that love the light
  • 9 The Lotos Eaters: 'There is sweet music here that softer f
  • 10 The Lotos Eaters: 'Why are we weigh'd upon with heaviness'
  • 11 The Lotos Eaters: 'Lo! in the middle of the wood'
  • 12 The Lotos Eaters: 'Hateful is the dark-blue sky'
  • 13 The Lotos Eaters: 'How sweet it were hearing the downward
  • 14 The Lotos Eaters: 'Dear is the memory of wedded lives'
  • 15 The Lotos Eaters: 'But propt on beds of amaranth and moly
  • 16 The Lotos Eaters: 'The Lotos blooms below the barren peak'