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  • Ref. YA3490
  • MOVIESCORE MEDIA, 2008. Enregistrement 2010.

Film biographique portugais de 2008, de la célèbre chanteuse de Fado, Amàlia Rodriguez.

Score orchestral très romantique, s'inspirant du fado.



  • 1 Estranha forma de vida
  • 2 Lament : Fado dos Meus Erros (orchestra version)
  • 3 Opening : Close to death
  • 4 Bola de Berlin (young Amalia)
  • 5 Amalia and Santo
  • 6 Nightmare
  • 7 Amalia at her parent's home
  • 8 Fruit to sailors
  • 9 Cesar's theme
  • 10 Riciardi and Amalia
  • 11 The Death of Aninha
  • 12 The cliff
  • 13 Death in a taxi
  • 14 The bridge and X-ray
  • 15 Amalia tenders to the poor
  • 16 Making love / The beating / The collapse
  • 17 Trashed poem
  • 18 The girl from Israel
  • 19 Amalia remembered
  • 20 Goodbyes
  • 21 Amalia : The ending
  • 22 Lament : Fado dos Meus Erros (cello version)
  • 23 Vou dar de bebar a dor