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  • Ref. Y 5604
  • EARTH RECORDS, 2015. Enregistrement 1964-1989.


Mikael Tariverdiev (1931-1996) est un compositeur russe qui travaillé sur 130 films. Cette compilation rassemble de nombreux enregistrements montrant son éclectisme musical: jazz, piano, klezmer, folk, chanson... (ASDS)

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Disque 1

  • 1 Boys and the sea - part one
  • 2 Boys and the sea - part two
  • 3 Dance at the stadium
  • 4 Waltz
  • 5 My younger brother
  • 6 The last romantic
  • 7 Evening café
  • 8 Summer blues
  • 9 All this jazz
  • 10 A la invenzia
  • 11 Don't be sad (instrumental)
  • 12 Waltz
  • 13 Unfinished recording
  • 14 Russian ragtime
  • 15 Dolphins
  • 16 You have such eyes
  • 17 Goodbye boys

Disque 2

  • 1 On Tsvetochnaya Street
  • 2 A moment
  • 3 Prelude for Ket
  • 4 Roads
  • 5 Couple in a café
  • 6 Expectation of the New Year
  • 7 Snow over Leningrad
  • 8 No one's home
  • 9 Along my street for many years
  • 10 What is happening to me?
  • 11 I like
  • 12 Aria for a Moscow guest
  • 13 I asked the ash tree
  • 14 I asked the mirror
  • 15 The third Stroitelnaya Street
  • 16 Melody
  • 17 The last waltz

Disque 3

  • 1 I love
  • 2 Morning clouds
  • 3 Moscow morning
  • 4 Moscow morning - variation
  • 5 Morning in the mountains
  • 6 Prelude for cello and piano
  • 7 Nocturne
  • 8 I am writing to you by accident
  • 9 On the scout
  • 10 Over the fields the twilight is indistinct
  • 11 Your voice
  • 12 Accordion waltz
  • 13 It happens
  • 14 Until tomorrow
  • 15 Don't be sad - vocal variation
  • 16 I am a tree
  • 17 Goodbye boys - variation