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  • Ref. KT7801
  • DOCUMENT RECORDS COMPACT (AUT), 1991. Enregistrement 1928-1929.

Complete recorded works in chronological order. Cf.LP KT7800. CCO.



  • 1 Bessie's moan
  • 2 The dummy
  • 3 Fort Worth and Denver blues, tk.1
  • 4 Fort Worth and Denver blues, tk.2
  • 5 Penitentiary, tk.1
  • 6 Penitentiary, tk.2
  • 7 Fryin' pan skillet blues, tk.1
  • 8 Fryin' pan skillet blues, tk.2
  • 9 My man has quit me
  • 10 Got cut all to pieces, tk.1
  • 11 Got cut all to pieces, tk.2
  • 12 Black name moan
  • 13 Better boot that thing, tk.1
  • 14 Better boot that thing, tk.2
  • 15 Katy blues, tk.1
  • 16 Katy blues, tk.2
  • 17 Mean old Jack Stropper blues, tk.1
  • 18 Mean old Jack Stropper blues, tk.2
  • 19 Old black Mary
  • 20 Key to the bushes blues
  • 21 Bogy man blues
  • 22 Mean old master blues
  • 23 Whistling woman blues
  • 24 T.B. moan