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  • Ref. KS7988
  • ZENSOR, 1992.

"Strehli is, of course, not the first musician to ever walk the line between the 'saved' and the secular , but these two sources come together in her to form a vocal alchemy of compelling as her forbears. It's this kind of 'lived in' acculturation that is at the root of Angela's sound, and it comes from hands-on experience, as in the numerous times she was asked by the likes of Muddy Waters, B.B.King and Albert King, Buddy Guy and Albert Collins, to join them on stage."



  • 1 Two bit Texas town
  • 2 Never like this before
  • 3 Can't stop these teardrops
  • 4 You don't love me
  • 5 I'm just your fool
  • 6 Say it's not so
  • 7 Um, um, um, um, um, um
  • 8 Go on
  • 9 Gotta find me a lover (24 hours a day)
  • 10 The sun is shining
  • 11 Going to that city