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  • Ref. KM1786
  • BAD BOY RECORDS, 1999.

Rap, yeah! New Album!


  • 1 Intro
  • 2 Stay out of my way
  • 3 Get ready
  • 4 Make me cry
  • 5 Awards show (Interlude)
  • 6 Same niggas
  • 7 No matter what
  • 8 If you want to party
  • 9 Jail visit (Interlude)
  • 10 Fuck me, fuck you
  • 11 Do it again
  • 12 Another story to tell
  • 13 Blood is thicker
  • 14 You ain't smart
  • 15 All I ever wanted
  • 16 Mad rapper (Interlude)
  • 17 From scratch
  • 18 Gettin' it