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  • Ref. K14237
  • Produit en 2005.


  • 1 Time is after you
  • 2 Love's last ground
  • 3 Is there anything I can do
  • 4 Eventually
  • 5 Dark on you now
  • 6 Winds up high
  • 7 Free
  • 8 Big bummer
  • 9 Light bulb blues
  • 10 Let's take our love
  • 11 Enchanted world
  • 12 I'm falling
  • 13 Flight of the psychedelic bumble bee
  • 14 Foolhearted woman
  • 15 Shirley can you come out & play
  • 16 1-9-6-7
  • 17 So lonely
  • 18 Floating dream
  • 19 Shuffle tune
  • 20 Moment of happiness
  • 21 Hangman
  • 22 Roses gone
  • 23 Make someone happy
  • 24 Naturally (Wintry ways)
  • 25 Taste of something new
  • 26 You should know (Live)