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  • Ref. MU4161
  • HUNGAROTON, 1996. Enregistrement 1958-1979.

Enregistrements de terrain réalisés entre 1958 et 1979 par László Vikár et Gábor Bereczki. Ce disque présente les musiques et chansons traditionnels des peuples de langues finno-ougrienne et turques de la région de la Volga : Oudmourtes ou Votyaks, Maris ou Tchérémisses, Tchouvaches et Tatars, vivant dans la région autour de Kazan. Livret en hongrois et anglais. (ASDS)

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  • 1 Hey, the bird is singing
  • 2 Gate of the apple-orchard is shaky(The)
  • 3 Say to me, go on, go on
  • 4 As flowers grow in the meadow
  • 5 I knelt down
  • 6 As flowers grow in the meadow
  • 7 Dance Tune
  • 8 I dropped into your home
  • 9 Hey, in the bowels of the high mountain
  • 10 Why did the blue pigeon enter the dark wood where even the swallow didnot invade
  • 11 Benevolent, almighty, great god, help us
  • 12 I have stockings
  • 13 Let's go, let's make lace
  • 14 My mother bore me in the garden
  • 15 I had a pied han
  • 16 I laid a plank over the waters of the Orya
  • 17 Dance tune
  • 18 Funeral air - dance tune
  • 19 Dance tune
  • 20 In vain did I tie a tassel on my white kerchief
  • 21 My body was like a one year sapling
  • 22 Early at daybreak the nightingale'svoice is heard
  • 23 The Cross-banded chequered kerchief
  • 24 Two birch-trees stand side by side
  • 25 The gay-coloured cuckoo is singing
  • 26 Come on, girls, let's play
  • 27 Bucket is leaky (The) - I'm saying
  • 28 If you look at the rowan-berry, hey, it seems very red
  • 29 Decidedly I have come to sing
  • 30 Will she marry, or will she not
  • 31 Father, don't be sorry for me
  • 32 I went to the meadow, hey, I viewedthe meadow
  • 33 Dance song
  • 34 Somewhere in the dark woods a bearis roaring
  • 35 In the middle of the black woods
  • 36 As the red sun rises
  • 37 Hey, river in the meadow
  • 38 On the peak of Mount Beyek
  • 39 Why should the boys'hands freeze
  • 40 Nightingale, you are so tiny
  • 41 If you sing with me, I will sing too
  • 42 Alluki - long song
  • 43 Tashtugay - long song
  • 44 In the city, hey, named Shamsherif
  • 45 Let's go down to the banks of the Ik
  • 46 The Dark forest is far away, the road is muddy
  • 47 He rides a red horse