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  • Ref. MW8594
  • ÉL RECORDS, 2007. Enregistrement 1937-1956.

"Breathtakingly inventive and profound, 'Raga Jog' is considered by many to be the finest 28 minutes of Ravi Shankar's recorded career. It dates from 1956 when the great master was arguably at his creative peak. It is at least the match of anything he achieved a decade later at the height of his popularity in the west.The second half of the programme features music performed by a group of virtuoso Hindu instrumentalists (including young Ravi) for his brother Uday Shankar's dance company during their momentous cultural visit to America in 1937. The ragas and dances are a unique hybrid of many eastern traditions and are all that remains to document what was reputedly a stunning visuel experience." (notes de la pochette).


  • 1 Raga jog
  • 2 Raga tilanga
  • 3 Raga bahar
  • 4 Danse gandharva: raga malkauns
  • 5 Danse ramachandra: ragas sinhendra-maddhyama, handsaddhwani
  • 6 Tabla-taranga: raga adana
  • 7 Danse kartikeyya: raga malkauns
  • 8 Danse indra: raga bhairada
  • 9 Danse snanum: ragas durga, khamaj
  • 10 Bhajana
  • 11 Raga mishra-kaphi