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  • Ref. MT0076


  • 1 The little girl goes through the vineyard
  • 2 My little goddaughter
  • 3 When I was a herdsman
  • 4 Where did you sleep at night, titmouse bird
  • 5 I would go across the Tisza
  • 6 Swine-herd, what have you cooked
  • 7 Swine-herd dance played on flute
  • 8 Oh, you gendarme, what were you thiking
  • 9 Way down yonder is a big forest
  • 10 The brass horse shoe of my aby steed is very shiny
  • 11 There's music making at the end ofthe village Ürög
  • 12 This side of Tisza, beyond the Danube
  • 13 I've started from my beautiful country
  • 14 The steamer stopped in the harbour of Bégyula
  • 15 At the end of the garden in Gyula
  • 16 If I go into the inn of Doboz
  • 17 The cedar tree has withered
  • 18 Farm labourer lad, load the cart well
  • 19 The soil is black, my handkerchief is white
  • 20 Marry me off, mother, or I'll leave you
  • 21 The moon has shone into my windows
  • 22 The letter arrived with a black seal
  • 23 Bagpipe-song
  • 24 You are not a lassie
  • 25 They're taking away the daughter of Mrs Danika
  • 26 The norello cherry tree is bending
  • 27 My God, my God
  • 28 Dance, priest, dance
  • 29 Twirling dance played on flute
  • 30 Verbunk played on flute
  • 31 Tune played on flute
  • 32 I have three ways before me
  • 33 No day ever breaks
  • 34 Poverty lives in a turfy court
  • 35 Poverty lives in a turfy court
  • 36 Where are ye going, three orphans
  • 37 The slowly flowing water freezes in winter
  • 38 I went out in the field,I looked into the meadow
  • 39 The road before me is weeping
  • 40 I went to the well to draw some water
  • 41 Wife, wife, my dear little wife
  • 42 My poor love is ill
  • 43 I went further into my room
  • 44 Forest, forest, forest, round forest of Marosszék
  • 45 Hey ! Mother, mother, sweet, dear mother
  • 46 The barracks of Vidombak are built on a hill
  • 47 Improvisation played on flute
  • 48 Twirling dance played on flute
  • 49 I'll go away, you stay here
  • 50 Quick twirling dance played on flute
  • 51 Swine-herd signal played on a cow's horn
  • 52 Goat-song played on flute
  • 53 Goat-song played on flute
  • 54 dawn does not come from where it used to
  • 55 Tune played on flute
  • 56 I am an orphan without father
  • 57 Verbunk played on flute
  • 58 Slow twirling dance played on flute
  • 59 If I go to the hill in the cemetery
  • 60 Mother, you brought me up very well
  • 61 Ah, my God, how cheerful I used tobe