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  • Ref. MG6044
  • MILAN, 1990. Enregistrement 1987.

Interprétation de l'opéra tango d'Astor Piazzolla (mais sans lui) au Théâtre Municipal de Tourcoing en novembre 1987.


  • 1 Act I: Scene 1: Elevation
  • 2 Scene 2: Theme of Maria
  • 3 Scene 3: Theme of Tito
  • 4 Scene 4: Ballad for a little crazyorgan
  • 5 Scene 5: Milonga of the Annunciation
  • 6 Scene 6: Milonga carrieguienne
  • 7 Scene 7: Fugue and mystery
  • 8 Scene 8: Noontime in the city
  • 9 Scene 9: Valseado poem
  • 10 Scene 10: The death of Maria
  • 11 Scene 11: Mob misery
  • 12 Scene 12: The funeral contramilonga
  • 13 Act II: Scene 13: The movement of the soul
  • 14 Scene 14: In the convent of souls
  • 15 Scene 15: A letter for the trees and chimneys
  • 16 Scene 16: The circus of analysts
  • 17 Scene 17: Fugue and mystery
  • 18 Scene 18: At the magic bar
  • 19 Scene 19: Gorrion celebrates the redemption of Maria's soul
  • 20 Scene 20: The milonga of the Annunciation
  • 21 Scene 21: Elevation II
  • 22 Scene 22: The final alleluia