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Christodoulos HALARIS

  • Ref. M-1974
  • ORATA.


  • 1 First hymn "Pythionicos of Pindare
  • 2 First chorus from the "Orestes" tragedy of Euripides
  • 3 Second delphic hymn
  • 5 Exercises of cithara (Works of Contrapolinopolis)
  • 6 First delphic hymn
  • 7 Epitaph of Sikelos
  • 8 Hymn to the sun
  • 9 Hymn to the muse
  • 10 Hymn to Nemesis
  • 11 Lamentation of Tekmessa
  • 12 Prosodic chant to Apollo
  • 13 Hymn to the Holy Trinity
  • 14 Second delphic hymn (Instrumental)