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  • Ref. MR9862
  • GREEN LINNET, 2001.



  • 1 The new custom house * Le set de Americain * Harris dance tune
  • 2 John Brady's * The hawk from Dundalk
  • 3 Paddy Canny's toast * Paddy Fahy's
  • 4 Miss Hamilton (18th century harp music)
  • 5 The humours of Kilclogher * Mrs O'Sullivan's
  • 6 Tuamgrainey castle * The Peterswell hornpipe
  • 7 Up in the garret * The old tipperary
  • 8 Seo Uileo thoil * The deer's march
  • 9 Bill Harte's * Rolling down the hill * John Brady's
  • 10 The bridal jig * The handsome young maidens * The lancers jig
  • 11 Billy Brocker's * The old dudeen *The night we had the goats
  • 12 Johnny O'Leary's & Patrick Maloney' favourite
  • 13 Within a mile of Dublin ( Seany Dorris' reel * P.J.'s pecurious Pachelbel special