- Ref. MS7092
"Alkistis Protopsalti has released her latest work Sto Oraiotero Simeio. For those not familiar with Alkistis, she has always been regarded one of the more serious contemporary Greek artists with a string of big hits such as Lava, Dithesio and more recently O Anthropos Mou. Her new release has the usual sound that her fans expect. There are no risks taken but it is a polished production. It's a laid back release with a mixture of ballads, laika, latin, dance and even a reggae beat track. She also delivers a Greek rendition of Michael Jackson's "they don't care about us" titled s'ena kosmo pou den kanei kati gia mas. As usual her voice is impeccable and it's a great CD to listen to when you want to sit back and relax." (
Pop commerciale.
- 1 Yparchei ena fos makria
- 2 Mia mera chara
- 3 Aperanto keno
- 4 Teleftaia fora
- 5 Ela yia ligo
- 6 Ta kormia
- 7 I yi choris esena
- 8 O paradeisos borei na perimenei
- 9 it's a pity Pame Chavai
- 10 Sto oraiotero simeio
- 11 Anapodes strofes
- 12 they don't care about us S' enan kosmo pou den kanei kati yia mas