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  • Ref. MM5072
  • ETHNIC ART & CULTURE, 1970-1991.

Peuples Kongo-Nkanu de l'ouest du pays, à cheval sur la frontière de l'Angola. Archives du Musée d'Afrique Centale de Tervuren compilées pour une exposition en Chine.



  • 1 Narrative song by men and women, recorded in Kibasi
  • 2 Song by young girls recorded in Kingemba Kinga
  • 3 Song accompanied by a kizanzi, lamellophone, recorded in Kilolo
  • 4 Song of women and young girls recorded in Kingemba Kinga
  • 5 Masikulu group recorded in Kimwanga
  • 6 A man is telling the story of "Mama Nzimba" recorded in Kipowa
  • 7 Modern song performed by young menand recorded in Kibasi
  • 8 Modern song performed by young menand recorded in Kipowa
  • 9 Narrative song by a man accompanied with a fiddle, recorded in Kisantu
  • 10 Song Ana ye, recorded in Kisukama
  • 11 Song called Tata nganga, recorded in Kisukama
  • 12 song E e lembi lembi e, recorded in Ngeba
  • 13 Song E ngwa yaya, recorded in Ngeba
  • 14 Zande: Song Inayambolo Geneyo, recorded in Dungo
  • 15 Lunda: Tshisaasj accompanied by a ditumb drum, recorded in Musumba
  • 16 Dance accomanied with mishi panpipes recorded in Mutombo-Tshibangu
  • 17 Luba: Kutomboka dance recorded in Kalundwe