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1965/1 - 8

  • Ref. XO494L

Roman Opalka (1931-2011) was one of the most fascinating and monomaniacal artists of the 20th century. In 1965, in his studio in Warsaw, he began painting numbers from one to infinity. Starting in the top left-hand corner of the canvas and finishing in the bottom right-hand corner, the tiny numbers were painted in horizontal rows. Each new canvas, which the artist called a 'detail', took up counting where the last left off. In 1968 Opa?ka introduced a tape recorder to the process, speaking each number into the microphone as he painted it, and also began taking passport-style photographs of himself standing before the canvas after each day's work. This LP is a quite unusual and special recording for Roman Opalka. Unlike the two other LP editions - Edition Block 1977 and Ottenhausen Verlag 1980 - this is not a straight document of his working /counting process but a multi-layered collage of his voice. The effect is startling, dense collages of endless numbers spoken in a resigned, beaten-down style, as if the (w)hole of infinity weighed on his shoulders, with the counting and the painting blurring to a one-ness, a summing up and a counting down of the life of an artist, accompanied by a series of photographic portraits that seem him morph, almost seamlessly, from a young to an old man standing in front of his canvases. Hard to convey just how oddly affecting and moving, even, this work is, combining an austere NWW/sound poetry aspect with a feel of very personal and intense ritual and an attempt to mark the passing of something that was impossible to hold on to. (Volcanic Tongue)




  • 1 1965/1 - 8