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  • Ref. XS539G
  • TORSO, 1988.


  • 1 The spot
  • 2 Smelly tongues
  • 3 The model
  • 4 Kill the great raven
  • 5 Jesus was a leprechaun
  • 6 Here come the bums
  • 7 Magic and ecstasy
  • 8 Who is the culprit and who is the vctim?
  • 9 What Wilbur
  • 10 Picnic in the jungle
  • 11 I love Mary
  • 12 The vultures of Bombay
  • 13 The golden goat
  • 14 Don't lie
  • 15 The man in the dark Sedan
  • 16 I come from an island
  • 17 Trashing all the loves of history
  • 18 Save me from Dali
  • 19 Living in vain
  • 20 The picture maker vs. children of the sea