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  • Ref. XM288T
  • ANNETTE WORKS, 1998. Enregistrement 1997.

"Made by playing the violin through sampling and treatment gadget LiSa, in a particular place, with a particular audience at a particular time of the day, after a certain kind of journey. [...] All recorded live, remixed and produced by Kaffe Matthews at Annette Works, London, March 1998. These pieces are extracts from hour long performances with 80% of edits happening on stage. Pieces split into tracks for your intervention.". "Annete Works" is a label set up to produce works which use a realtime exploitation of electronics in a particular place at a particular time. A suivre. Ce CD a été très peu acheté, probablement par manque d'information.



  • 1 A custom skylark
  • 2 The red room, pt.1
  • 3 Long thin room
  • 4 Subwired
  • 5 The red room, pt.2