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  • Ref. XB462R
  • SOUTHERN LORD, 2009.

Consisting of guitarist / vocalist Jason Landrian and drummer Rafael Martinez, Black Cobra may present a minimum of musicians (some groups only contain one member, but rarely play live), but the group plays with maximum energy and produces a gigantic sound. Chronomega revisits the fast and fuzzy sound of their 2007 record Feather and Stone, but shows the group mature in many ways. First, Black Cobra used Billy Anderson to record the album. Having twiddled knobs for the likes of High on Fire, The Melvins and Eyehategod, Billy Anderson is a name synonymous with the doom / stoner / sludge scene, and his work here is no disappointment. Martinez's drumming hits hard and clear, while Landrian's guitar sounds as if it were recorded in a cement mixer.



  • 1 Negative reversal
  • 2 MAchine
  • 3 Catalyst
  • 4 Chronosphere
  • 5 Zero point field
  • 6 Lightning in his hand
  • 7 Storm shadow
  • 8 Glacies en spiritu
  • 9 Nefarian triangle