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  • Ref. XC150B

"Comprised of 98 tracks The Parker Tapes is built from thousands upon thousands of samples, sound bites and music clips that have been hacked, slashed, looped and rearranged to skew meaning and entice parody."

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  • 1 Yeah scabbard
  • 2 Clever girl
  • 3 Gownday
  • 4 Saltgrain
  • 5 Preparing 4 emergent seas
  • 6 From this day on
  • 7 Yer little pipe dream
  • 8 Lambonaise tonight
  • 9 Am I allowed to -
  • 10 Nothing in the bag
  • 11 4 tomatoes, £20
  • 12 Duck breath
  • 13 Dolmio & teabags Crindian
  • 14 Sandra Bullock's in tent
  • 15 The glider
  • 16 Loving dog (Ft. Al Stylus)
  • 17 Yeah Duggan...Austin, TX
  • 18 Anne Frankingmachine
  • 19 Tit tit
  • 20 NewsiswherejournalistR
  • 21 White now
  • 22 Def, dumb, gay Barbie
  • 23 Skoko!
  • 24 I got me drop side truck
  • 25 I got things goin on
  • 26 In me life
  • 27 Cassetteboy
  • 28 Spark up driva
  • 29 We have sex with falcons
  • 30 4+4=8
  • 31 2+5=8
  • 32 Oops, no it doesn't
  • 33 It's 7
  • 34 Another track
  • 35 Back in black
  • 36 William IV
  • 37 Nancy boy fairy eyes
  • 38 I've come about the shoes
  • 39 Your glorious love
  • 40 Rock and roll bath
  • 41 Maggot incident
  • 42 Andy's airbed
  • 43 Big boy Tony Lionheart
  • 44 Sorry about that M's T
  • 45 Live at Glastonbury 2005
  • 46 Rabbits of the world 2
  • 47 Meh
  • 48 Quilted Americana Kitty
  • 49 Maurice Black
  • 50 His baby's like a pudding
  • 51 Eyes of a Tranny's Fanny
  • 52 Superman III
  • 53 Brewster's millions
  • 54 The gay minotaurs
  • 55 Peter Lowe (Stanley Claret)
  • 56 Swizz Chrizz
  • 57 Poo poo top off
  • 58 Apple cak (Shitbox)
  • 59 Superficial good vibe?
  • 60 It's white again btw.