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  • Ref. XS072F
  • SSR RECORDS, 1997. Enregistrement 1996.

"Some people ask why Kevin Saunderson records under so many pseudonymus. To Kevin it's simple: he's hyperactive and he likes making lots of hyperactive music. Sometimes it's stonking hard as hell Techno with bassline from some disturbed parallel universe. Sometimes it's joyous lift-every voice and sing Gosple House."...


  • 1 Bassline
  • 2 The savage and beyond
  • 3 Pump the move
  • 4 Forcefield
  • 5 Uptempo
  • 6 Funky, funk, funk
  • 7 How to play our music
  • 8 The groove that won't stop
  • 9 Bounce your body to the box
  • 10 Truth of self evidence
  • 11 Triangle of love
  • 12 Rock to the beat
  • 13 Feel the mood
  • 14 Groovin' without a doubt
  • 15 Let's, let's let's dance
  • 16 The sound
  • 17 Just another chance
  • 18 The human bond
  • 19 Smooth groove
  • 20 Ahnongay
  • 21 Straight outta hell
  • 22 Velocity funk