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  • Ref. XU217C
  • TRANSPARENCY, 2001. Enregistrement 1999-2000.



  • 1 Company policy and union contractsmust include nondiscrimination on the basis of gender identity and expression
  • 2 Swift action must be taken if harassment occurs
  • 3 Disclosure of gender difference tomanagement must be kept confidential
  • 4 As soon as transitioning transsexuals begin to work in their new gender roles, they should be treated asmembers of that sex
  • 5 Reasonable use of rest-rooms and other sex-divided facilities, i.e.workers must have access to the facilities for the sex they are presenting in and those facilities should be convenient
  • 6 Employers must pay for adequate training for their coworkers
  • 7 Transsexuals should be included inthe planning of how transitions will be handled on
  • 8 Medical benefits through employersshould cover treatment of transsexuals and should cover treatment forgender identity disorder
  • 9 Management must take the lead in demonstrating respectful treatment of transsexuals and should be proactive in helping transition happen smoothly