- Ref. X60369
- Produit en 2007.
"Full Metal Racket is Bong-Ra's breakcore-metal album, combining all the tracks from the 12"s Grindkrusher and Sick Sick Sick, re-recorded and remastered. The album is a tribute to the sort of thrash and grindcore albums that informed Bong-Ra's youth and consequently is jammed to the rafters with death-grunt vocals, low-slung guitar riffing and distorted, mangled breaks. Tracks like 'Ram Waster' manage to link otherwise disparate artforms like hardcore (of the punk/metal variety) and... hardcore (of the techno variety). The disc is capped off by Doormouse and Sickboy remixes of Bong-Ra originals. The former opens up with a chilling knife sharpening sound, whilst the latter opts for an industrialised aesthetic. It's all pretty full on, but what else do you expect from an album whose sleeve art involves zombie Nazi stormtroopers?" www.boomkat.com